Writings and Commentaries

Commentaries in the Pilgrim Way Commentary Series and other writings from Dr. John Cereghin  

The Pilgrim Way Commentary Series

It has long been a burden of Dr. Cereghin that few Bible Believing students of Scripture are writing commentaries today.  Before the demise of the Christian Book Store, you could enter one and see plenty of Christian Romance Novels and other “fluff” writings, but few commentaries. The Pilgrim Way Commentary Series seeks to make a contribution in that area.

All commentaries are based solely on the Authorized Version of the Bible with no changes to the text.

Most importantly, all commentaries are FREE!  “Freely as ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). All you need is Adobe PDF software. There is no copyright.  I would simply ask for Christian ethics if you should quote or use any of this material.

These commentaries will never be complete as they will be constantly revised as new information and insights come to light.  Check the date for the latest version. Also, I realize not everyone will agree with everything I write.  I probably will not respond to emails criticizing me on a doctrinal point which you may disagree or to those who want to argue over certain points of interpretation.  Since these commentaries were not written under divine inspiration, there may be some errors in interpretation.  They are designed to reflect my theological thinking and to be a help to others.

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Genesis (March 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Exodus  (March 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on the Song of Solomon (December 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Ezekiel (June 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Daniel (July 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Joel (July 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Obadiah (July 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Jonah (July 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Haggai (July 2023)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Matthew (April 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on John (June 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Acts (June 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Romans (July 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Galatians (July 2024)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Philippians

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on 1 Timothy (September 2022)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Hebrews (August 2022)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on the Epistles of John

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Jude (July 2021)

The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Revelation (December 2023)


A Outline Study of the Sabbath

The Errors of Replacement Theology Outline (being revised)

The Doctrine of Repentance Outline

An Outline of the Doctrine of the Antichrist

NETTLETON VERSES FINNEY : The Shift in American Evangelism 1820-1830. This book is an examination of the Second Great Awakening and the damage done to evangelism and the understanding of revival by Charles Finney. Revised November, 2023.

The Christian and the State, an Outline of Romans 13:1-7, from The Pilgrim Way Commentary on Romans

A History of Separation in 20th Century American Fundamentalism  A brief survey of separation as understood and practiced in American Fundamentalism in the 20th century